Privacy Policy

Avenue Autos Ltd customer privacy notice

This privacy notice tells you what to expect us to do with your personal information.


Contact details


Unit 3 Banico Controls Building,

Dallimore Road, Wythenshawe, M23 9NX, GB


0161 718 0780



What information we collect, use, and why

We collect or use the following information to provide services and goods, including delivery:

  • Names and contact details
  • Addresses
  • Payment details (including card or bank information for transfers and direct debits)
  • Account information
  • Call recordings
  • Identification documents
  • Information relating to compliments or complaints

We collect or use the following information for the operation of customer accounts and guarantees:

  • Names and contact details
  • Addresses
  • Payment details (including card or bank information for transfers and direct debits)
  • Purchase history
  • Information used for security purposes

We collect or use the following information to prevent, detect, investigate or prosecute crimes:

  • Names and contact information
  • Video and CCTV recordings of public areas (including indoor and outdoor spaces)
  • Video and CCTV recordings of private or staff only areas
  • Call recordings

We collect or use the following information for service updates or marketing purposes:

  • Names and contact details
  • Addresses
  • Marketing preferences
  • Purchase or viewing history

We collect or use the following information for research or archiving purposes:

  • Names and contact details
  • Addresses

We collect or use the following information to comply with legal requirements:

  • Name
  • Contact information
  • Identification documents
  • Financial transaction information

We collect or use the following personal information for dealing with queries, complaints or claims:

  • Names and contact details
  • Address
  • Payment details
  • Video recordings of public areas
  • Video recordings of private or staff only areas
  • Call recordings

Lawful bases and data protection rights

Under UK data protection law, we must have a “lawful basis” for collecting and using your personal information. There is a list of possible lawful bases in the UK GDPR. You can find out more about lawful bases on the ICO’s website.

Which lawful basis we rely on may affect your data protection rights which are in brief set out below. You can find out more about your data protection rights and the exemptions which may apply on the ICO’s website:

If you make a request, we must respond to you without undue delay and in any event within one month.

To make a data protection rights request, please contact us using the contact details at the top of this privacy notice.

Our lawful bases for the collection and use of your data

Our lawful bases for collecting or using personal information to provide services and goods are:

  • Contract – we have to collect or use the information so we can enter into or carry out a contract with you. All of your data protection rights may apply except the right to object.
  • Legal obligation – we have to collect or use your information so we can comply with the law. All of your data protection rights may apply, except the right to erasure, the right to object and the right to data portability.
  • Public task – we have to collect or use your information to carry out a task laid down in law, which the law intends to be performed by an organisation such as ours. All of your data protection rights may apply, except the right to erasure and the right to portability.

Our lawful bases for collecting or using personal information for the operation of customer accounts and guarantees are:

  • Contract – we have to collect or use the information so we can enter into or carry out a contract with you. All of your data protection rights may apply except the right to object.
  • Legal obligation – we have to collect or use your information so we can comply with the law. All of your data protection rights may apply, except the right to erasure, the right to object and the right to data portability.
  • Public task – we have to collect or use your information to carry out a task laid down in law, which the law intends to be performed by an organisation such as ours. All of your data protection rights may apply, except the right to erasure and the right to portability.

Our lawful bases for collecting or using personal information to prevent, detect, investigate or prosecute crimes are:

  • Contract – we have to collect or use the information so we can enter into or carry out a contract with you. All of your data protection rights may apply except the right to object.
  • Legal obligation – we have to collect or use your information so we can comply with the law. All of your data protection rights may apply, except the right to erasure, the right to object and the right to data portability.
  • Public task – we have to collect or use your information to carry out a task laid down in law, which the law intends to be performed by an organisation such as ours. All of your data protection rights may apply, except the right to erasure and the right to portability.

Our lawful bases for collecting or using personal information for service updates or marketing purposes are:

  • Contract – we have to collect or use the information so we can enter into or carry out a contract with you. All of your data protection rights may apply except the right to object.
  • Legal obligation – we have to collect or use your information so we can comply with the law. All of your data protection rights may apply, except the right to erasure, the right to object and the right to data portability.
  • Public task – we have to collect or use your information to carry out a task laid down in law, which the law intends to be performed by an organisation such as ours. All of your data protection rights may apply, except the right to erasure and the right to portability.

Our lawful bases for collecting or using personal information for research or archiving purposes are:

  • Contract – we have to collect or use the information so we can enter into or carry out a contract with you. All of your data protection rights may apply except the right to object.
  • Legal obligation – we have to collect or use your information so we can comply with the law. All of your data protection rights may apply, except the right to erasure, the right to object and the right to data portability.
  • Public task – we have to collect or use your information to carry out a task laid down in law, which the law intends to be performed by an organisation such as ours. All of your data protection rights may apply, except the right to erasure and the right to portability.

Our lawful bases for collecting or using personal information for legal requirements are:

  • Contract – we have to collect or use the information so we can enter into or carry out a contract with you. All of your data protection rights may apply except the right to object.
  • Legal obligation – we have to collect or use your information so we can comply with the law. All of your data protection rights may apply, except the right to erasure, the right to object and the right to data portability.
  • Public task – we have to collect or use your information to carry out a task laid down in law, which the law intends to be performed by an organisation such as ours. All of your data protection rights may apply, except the right to erasure and the right to portability.

Our lawful bases for collecting or using personal information for dealing with queries, complaints or claims are:

  • Contract – we have to collect or use the information so we can enter into or carry out a contract with you. All of your data protection rights may apply except the right to object.
  • Legal obligation – we have to collect or use your information so we can comply with the law. All of your data protection rights may apply, except the right to erasure, the right to object and the right to data portability.
  • Public task – we have to collect or use your information to carry out a task laid down in law, which the law intends to be performed by an organisation such as ours. All of your data protection rights may apply, except the right to erasure and the right to portability.

Where we get personal information from

  • Directly from you
  • CCTV footage or other recordings

How long we keep information

12 Months.

Who we share information with

Others we share personal information with

  • Insurance companies
  • Financial or fraud investigation authorities
  • Relevant regulatory authorities
  • Warranty and guarantee providers
  • Organisations we’re legally obliged to share personal information with
  • Debt collection agencies

How to complain

If you have any concerns about our use of your personal data, you can make a complaint to us using the contact details at the top of this privacy notice.

If you remain unhappy with how we’ve used your data after raising a complaint with us, you can also complain to the ICO.

The ICO’s address:           

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Helpline number: 0303 123 1113




©Copyright Avenue Autos Ltd. All rights reserved.

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